Friday, October 23, 2009

Where did those books go to anyway?

Interesting mashup. (Do they still use that term?)
YA book GPS tracking!
It's not "Pass the Buck," it's "Pass the Book."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Totally unrelated but interesting article . . .

WASHINGTON — Computing giant Apple defected from the US Chamber of Commerce, as a growing rift emerges over the group's opposition to tough climate change rules, according to a letter.

The firm "supports regulating greenhouse gas emissions, and it is frustrating to find the chamber at odds with us in this effort," said Apple vice president Catherine Novelli, on Tuesday.

Apple is the fourth major US corporation to walk out of the group over its stance on climate change. Pacific Gas and Electricity, PNM Resources and Exelon have taken similar moves.

Sporting goods titan Nike dropped its responsibilities on the chamber's board but remains a member.

Click here to read the rest of the article

There are so many facets to the climate change issue, but news like this portends a major attitude shift by the business community.
Note: I made the company names bold.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Standardizing ebooks is good

This is part of an email I received from O'Reilly's Tools of Change for Publishing mail list. As usual I think Tim O'Reilly has got it right. His company does a much better job publishing than MS Press. I hope this turns into a case were part of MS gets absorbed instead of MS absorbing someone else.

Full details are in Tim's post on the Radar blog (and in the Press Release and in the statement from Microsoft ), but thought one part of this deal worth calling out specifically here: I'm particularly excited that as part of this agreement, Microsoft has committed to make its ebooks DRM-free and device-independent. One of our goals at O'Reilly has been to make sure that ebook customers can read them on any device, and have the ability to keep using them even if they change their preferred device. Having Microsoft Press join us in this commitment is a big step forward towards an open ebook market.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just when I join my first 2 book clubs, I learn

about the importance of new members in book clubs.
Check out the site's homepage too. I think I'll be visiting it often.

I Love Libraries

A great site and a great facebook page.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

A Literary Legend Fights for a Local Library

By Jennifer Steinhauer
Published: June 20, 2009
The new passion of the science fiction writer Ray Bradbury is raising money for California’s libraries.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thanks again, Mary

Librarians at Rutgers protest vote to drop 'library' from name of school
In a move that incited strong protests from a group of librarians, the university Board of Governors voted yesterday to remove the words 'library studies' from the name of the School of Communication...
See this on Facebook

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mary the Librarian is cooler than Marian the Librarian from 76 Trombones

Youth find a positive outlet in 'breaking' Suburban

Youth find a positive outlet in 'breaking'OBHS students practice moves weekly at the library BY MICHAEL ACKER Staff Writer

Patrons who walk by a certain door inside the Old Bridge Public Library on Tuesday afternoons may be surprised to hear the muffled sounds of break beats coming from the other side...

Mary Ecklund, the teen librarian who supervises the practice sessions, said that this sort of arrangement is not common at most libraries; however, Old Bridge Public Library is equipped to offer space for the youth to practice. "I haven't heard of another library doing it," Ecklund said. "It might be a space issue. For these kids, they have a lot of dedication to do it. They don't understand when other kids come and they don't work — they just sit there. They use each other to build each other up..."